
Mathematical Formulae and HTML Slidy

Last week I wanted to include some math into my lecture slides prepared with HTMLSlidy and found the fantastic ASCIIMathML tool which allows you to write your math formulae in a LaTeX-like manner in your regular text.

Checkout my lecture on computer-assisted structure elucidation at first instance of use of ASCIIMathML can be found on slide number 13.
The code which produces eq.1 on this page is

$S=sum_{i=1}^{N_q} frac{100}{N_q} - Delta_i$
for all $Delta_i > frac{100}{N_q}$   (Eq.1)

All you need to do is to download ASCIIMathML.js and include it into the <head> section of your HTMLSlidy presentation as

<script type="text/javascript" src="ASCIIMathML.js"></script>

directly behind the reference to slidy.js. The end of my HTMLSlidy header now looks like

<script src="slidy.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="ASCIIMathML.js"></script></head><body>

Categorised as: Open Standards, Publishing, Teaching


  1. Egon says:

    It did not work at all in Konqueror, but Firefox worked fine. However, all fomulae were red… is that intended?

  2. Egon, thanks a lot for leaving the first comment in my blog 🙂
    Is Konquerer capable of displaying MathML? Anyway, the reasons can be manyfold. This is known to work for Internet Explorer with a MathML plugin and for Firefox. Neat neverthesless 🙂

  3. rich apodaca says:

    Works for me with Firefox Formulae were red. It worked for me in Konqueror-3.5.4/Linux, but startup was much slower than in Firefox.

    This is a very useful presentation!

  4. Rich, thanks a lot.
    Indeed, as Egon mentioned, the formulae are red, which is the default and I actually like it.

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