
“new open source era … for better drugs”

As we learn from a rather poorly written article over at xconomy, “Biology has never really had a social-networking movement like open-source computing, where thousands of loosely-affiliated people around the world pool brainpower to make better software”. If you translate that into what was needed for biology (or chemistry) according to the xconomy author, it would translate into a “social-networking movement where thousands of loosely affiliated people around the world pool brainpower to make better biology”. Now, I leave it to you extremely bright guys out there to figure out why I think that already exists and how it is called.

At least, the article informs us about lots of money being pumped into another collaborative effort to exploit systems biology to make better drugs, which might be a good thing. I’m having a hard time to understand the fundamental difference between this and existing open approaches, but I’m happy to learn. Part of this lack of understanding comes from a lack of meat in this article. Maybe one of my readers can comment.

Categorised as: Chemoinformatics, Conferences and Meetings, Open Access, Open Data, Open Science, Open Source, People, Publishing, Scientific Culture, Teaching

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