Do a cheminformatics PhD thesis at a world-class institution

The European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)
If the pompous title caught your attention, and you are ashamed of that: Don’t worry. It is all true. My cheminformatics and metabolism group at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) is looking for a phd student this year and all you need to do is apply through the regular route. The range of possible topics is wide open, going from metabolomics via automated structure elucidation of metabolites to mining chemical information from the printed literature, and more. Your own suggestions are of course welcome.
The EBI is the world’s largest open provider of biological and chemical information.We are located, together with the Sanger Institute for Genome Research, on the beautiful campus of Hinxton Hall, a few miles south of Cambridge.
Our PhD students are enrolled with the University of Cambridge.
The important part for now: The application deadline for the Fall PhD selection is July 15 puttygen , 2009. And: Please drop me a note if you applied.
Categorised as: Chemoinformatics, Hot Science, Open Access, Open Data, Open Science, Open Source, People, Scientific Culture, Teaching
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