
Archive for the ‘Hot Science’ Category

Beilstein Symposium on Systems Chemistry, Day 3

Back after an afternoon of heavy hiking to Castle Boymont uphill from Schloss Korb. Great stuff. Day 3, Morning Session on Macromolecular Interactions: P-P, P-NA, NA-Light Sara Linse of Lund report on her group’s work on Protein Interactions, Association and Fibrillation. Systems Chemistry is the study of molecules acting collectively, she proposes. Her focus of […]

Beilstein Symposium on Systems Chemistry, Day 2

The Wednesday morning session is about to start. Paul Labute chairs it. Tom Blundell of Cambridge starts with “Exploring Biological and Chemical Space with High-Throughput Crystallographic, Biophysical and Computational Methods: The new Dimensions of Drug Discovery”. Tom starts with a view on a cell, stating its complicatedness or complexity. He points out the large number […]

Beilstein Symposium on Systems Chemistry, Day 1

I’ve been invited to deliver the summary talk for the 2008 Beilstein Symposium on Systems Chemistry in Bolzano, Italy. Being there for the fourth time in eight years (this symposium is biannual) I really always enjoy the meeting in this beautiful setting from the very first minute. The fact that the view and the food […]