
Archive for the ‘Open Data’ Category

“new open source era … for better drugs”

As we learn from a rather poorly written article over at xconomy, “Biology has never really had a social-networking movement like open-source computing, where thousands of loosely-affiliated people around the world pool brainpower to make better software”. If you translate that into what was needed for biology (or chemistry) according to the xconomy author, it […]

Industry-funded medical research will double your impact factor

The Guardian has a nice piece by Ben Goldarcre reporting about a study published by the British Medial Journal entitled “Relation of study quality puttygen download , concordance, take home message, funding, and impact in studies of influenza vaccines: systematic review”. Both the newpaper article and the study are worth reading and seem to be […]

Open Access Publishing in the Chemical Sciences

I was invited to give my views on some new chemistry in European Bioinformatics at a Meeting held by the CICAG group of the Royal Society, held at Burlington House, London. Peter Murray-Rust set the scene by emphasising the importance for Open Data. He showed some fantastic work on data extraction by OSCAR from theses, […]